School Supply List
Looking forward to a successful year with you!
For community use: (We thank you for your contributions!)
3 reams of white printer paper
1 pkg black FINE point sharpies
1 pkg 3x3 or mini post-it-notes
1 Pack 4x6 note cards (lined)
3 Dozen #2 pencils (preferably sharpened)
3 Boxes Kleenex
1 pkg of Expo markers (large, not fine tipped)
3 different colored highlighters
4 Black Flair Pens
Individual list:
1 3-ring binder for use with all classes
Notebook dividers (one divider per class)
1 Pencil pouch that can be clipped into 3-ring binder
1 Spiral Notebook with divided sections
3 single-subject composition books (approx 120 sheets – 9.5 x 7.5)
2 white two-pocket folder with 3 prongs
Scientific calculator such as TI30XS, need to have multi functions.
An iPhone is not a substitute for a calculator
1 pkg colored pencils
1 handheld pencil sharpener
1 ruler
For French & Spanish l and ll only:
1 200 page spiral bound notebook
1 two-pocket folder with 3 prongs
8th Grade Language Arts only:
Packet of Post-it type flag, index tabs
6th Grade Science and Language Arts only:
1 Plastic two-pocket folder with 3 prongs
Choir Only:
1” Black 3-binder
Please note: Additional items may be requested by a teacher during the school year.